Disaster Relief Mobilization Badge (DRMB)
A perched eagle with spread wings.
Worn centered 1/2 inch above the pocket (or medals if present).
Those who volunteered and participated in 5 or more mobilizations each lasting 48 hours or longer will be awarded the Disaster Relief Mobilization Badge in gold. Awardees will be awarded another DRMM this time with a gold Eagle pendant
Those who volunteered and participated in 2 or more mobilizations each lasting 48 hours or longer will be awarded the Disaster Relief Mobilization Badge in silver, and will be authorized to place a silver star device on left side of the members DRMM for each additional mobilization completed.
A perched eagle with spread wings.
Worn centered 1/2 inch above the pocket (or medals if present).
Those who volunteered and participated in 5 or more mobilizations each lasting 48 hours or longer will be awarded the Disaster Relief Mobilization Badge in gold. Awardees will be awarded another DRMM this time with a gold Eagle pendant
Those who volunteered and participated in 2 or more mobilizations each lasting 48 hours or longer will be awarded the Disaster Relief Mobilization Badge in silver, and will be authorized to place a silver star device on left side of the members DRMM for each additional mobilization completed.